MeloSpySuite Reference


The MeloSpySuite is a set of stand-alone commandline tools for the analysis of monophonic music. Currently, it consists of three commandline tools:

  • melconv for conversion of melodic data from and into different formats.

  • melfeature for extracting features.

  • melpat for pattern mining and pattern search.

All tools are based on a common Python lib, MeloSpyLib, which will be released as an open source contribution to the public presumably somewhen in 2018. Some basic concepts of MeloSpyLib that might be helpful for the understanding of the tool kit are described here. See this tutorial for a step-by-step introduction to melfeature. The MeloSpyLib will be available for Windows 64bit, macOS and Ubuntu GNU/Linux from here.

All three tools read the following input formats:

  • Weimar Jazz Database-Format (SQLITE3)

  • MIDI (monophonic)

  • MCSV1 (a CSV-based melody format)

  • MCSV2 (a CSV-based melody format)

  • EsAC (one melody per file)

  • EsAC Database (SQLITE3)

  • Tony/yYIN note layers as CSV exports