The movement in pitch space of patterns is visualized by using a pseudo-phase diagram. The patterns are displayed as dots in a pitch / lag-1 pitch grid, i.e., each point in the grid represents a certain pitch bi-gram. Lines represent transitions from one bi-gram to the next. Pitches are represented with MIDI numbers, where C4 = 60, C#4 = 61 etc. For example, the beginning of a C-major scale with pitches C4-D4-E4-F4 contains the bi-gram sequence C4-D4 -> D4-E4 -> E4-F4. The bi-gram are mapped to three points in pseudo-phase space and connected by arrows. The red dot is the starting point (the first two pitches), the arrow marks the end point (i.e., the last two pitches).

You can use the sliders to the left to filter the patterns for length, minimal frequency, and minimal number of sources, i.e., the minimum number of solos, where the pattern occurs.

Have fun!