How to install MeloSpyGUI (Mac OSX)

Simply follow these steps

  1. After you downloaded the latest version of the MeloSpyGUI (MeloSpyGUI_V_[X.X].zip (here), open the Finder application under Mac OSX (You can start the Finder application for instance by pressing cmd + space on your keyboard to open Spotlight and then simply type ‘’Finder’’).

  2. Browse to your Download folder (this is usually /Users/[YourName]/Downloads).

  3. Unzip the file MeloSpySuiteGUI_V_[X.X].zip by double-clicking on it. This will create a folder MeloSpyGUI_V_[X.X] in your Downloads folder.

  4. Feel free to move the MeloSpyGUI folder to any other place on your hard drive.

Folder structure

After unzipping, the following folder structure should be found in your installation directory:

  • The README.txt file contains more information on how to install / use the MeloSpyGUI

  • The bin subfolder contains the main program excecutable mss_gui -> just double-click on it to start the MeloSpyGUI

  • The db subfolder contains the 2 files wjazzd.db and esac.db which contains the Weimar Jazz Database and a version of the well-known Essen Folk Song Collection. Both files are SQLITE3 databases.

  • The features subfolder contains all available features

  • The results folder is empty but will be filled with results when you’re using the MeloSpySuite GUI.

Have fun!